Edward M. Baum, Architect
About the Architect
With graduate and undergraduate degrees from Harvard, Edward M. Baum began parallel academic and professional careers. After teaching at Harvard and at Washington University he was appointed dean of the School of Architecture at UT-Arlington, where he helped lead it to national recognition in design.
Baum’s professional practice over the years has been varied, but with a focus on housing and houses, stemming from his working with pioneer modern architect José Luis Sert. His courtyard houses along Throckmorton Street in Dallas were published in Dwell as well as in Arquitectura Viva (Spain) and Ottogano (Italy). His study ‘Prototype Houses for Modest Means’ received a coveted American Architecture Award and a Residential Architect Design Award. Current research includes other housing prototypes: a) Town houses with private elevators, and b) Houses that maximize generating solar power, helping to pay for themselves.
In addition to working with housing, Baum designed (with J. Maruszczak) the Dallas Police Memorial overlooking City Hall Plaza.
The Site